
Reasons to Ride: Sam

Our riders are at the heart of the Vélo community. We ride together. So it's our pleasure to give the spotlight to Sam.

Can you tell us a bit more about yourself?

My name is Sam (little sister of Vélo instructor Madelief) and I’m 20 years old. I was born in Groningen but I live in Amsterdam since March this year, so right before quarantaine started. Luckily Vélo is open again so I don’t have to be bored :)

What is it you love about Vélo?

What I love about Vélo is that it’s more than just riding a bike, it boosts my self-esteem and it makes me feel better about myself!

What is your ideal Vélo class and why?

My ideal Vélo class is a class with some good double speed music, I also like push-ups a lot and then ending it with a good climb!

What is your perfect time to go to class (morning or evening) and why?

Evening! I’m not a morning person... ;-)

What is Vélo to you?

Vélo for me is a place to forget everything I normally think/stress about and to really live in the moment. After Vélo I always feel empowered and proud!

